Contact Information

📧 [email protected]

📱 +62 8522 5443 882


I was born in Bekasi, Indonesia. always curious about everything I don't know, and loves to try new things, especially in programming things. I am a back-end developer (and just a little bit front-end) since 2016, My first backend language was PHP using Codeigniter Framework, I use it for doing my bachelor's final thesis project for almost 1 year.

At the end of 2017, I got my first official job as a programmer using Nodejs and Loopback Framework with Reactjs as a client-side. for me, it was not that hard switching to a new programming language.

Two years later (still counting) at the new company, I become a professional back-end developer who falls in love with the Clean Code method.


A few sites I created and designed.


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